KLG Rutland is always proud to play its part in supporting one of our chosen charities Cancer Research UK.
Friends and colleagues have helped to raise over £70,000 so far and we are all setting our sites on getting this over the £100,000 mark as soon as possible.
You may remember KLG Rutland cooking up a storm with our last event the ‘Big Breakfast’, which went towards the total along with donations and time to help and support other events.
The real hard work comes from the desire of Steph Dale, Kay Tideswell, Debbie Bryan, Carina Cole, Maria Hester and Michelle Bryan to organise the events and raise the majority of the funds themselves.
Everything recognised with the richly deserved award of this certificate to them for reaching the £70,000 mark.
The next event is scheduled for Saturday 1st October 2016 at The White Lion, Kimberley Nottingham. There will be stall, taster pamper sessions, raffles, tombola, BBQ and refreshments. Come along and support this most worthy of causes.
Like us on Facebook to get notification of future events @klgrutland.
If you’d like more information, or to find out how you could help, please don’t hesitate to contact Marketing Director Terry Hill for a chat on 01159 22 11 55. Or email terry.hill@klg.co.uk